Formula SAE Chassis Jig

The chassis of any car has many functions with a couple being safety and providing a reference for car sub-systems such as the suspension or the engine. When manufacturing a chassis of a Formula style car order of operations in assembly and holding tolerances are critical. To aid in manufacturing, a lost-jig was designed from laser cut MDF.

  • The laser cutter is able to provide reasonable tolerances within +/- 0.5mm
  • The laser cutter saves hours of measuring, checking angles, checking for square or parallel
  • The jig will save clamping during tack welding the frame together

  • The jig was designed using SolidWorks and the cavity feature quickly and parametrically make cuts into the MDF panels. Braces, supports, and part numbers were added as needed. Below, the chassis is fitted to the jig and is ready for welding! The use of the jig saved many hours of work and needless double-checking measurements. The chassis was able to be delivered ahead of schedule and the completed car, S-12, can be seen below.